The image appears to show a banner for "Nonprofits & Advocacy" related to the United Way of Larimer County. It includes the United Way logo on the left, followed by bold text that says "Nonprofits & Advocacy" in white and orange lettering, and on the right is an illustration of a megaphone symbolizing advocacy. The overall color scheme is blue, white, and orange, aligning with United Way's branding.

Welcome to Education Is On the Ballot – a resource hub dedicated to helping voters understand key education-related issues in the upcoming election. At United Way of Larimer County, we believe that every child should have access to a high-quality education and that every voter should have access to clear, accurate information about issues on the ballot. From Amendment 80’s impact on school choice to Thompson and Poudre School Districts’ critical ballot measures related to funding, these initiatives could shape the future of our local schools and students. Explore the information below to get informed!

Amendment 80

Want to know what Amendment 80 could mean for public, private, and charter schools? We break it all down for you in our blog.

PSD’s Measure 4A

Want to know more about PSD’s Ballot Measure 4A? Learn how this proposal could shape school funding and property taxes.

TSD’s Measures 5A & 5B

Want to know more about TSD’s Bond & Special levy? We break down what it could mean for school improvements and property taxes.

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