Donor Networks
Leadership giving circle
United Way of Larimer County’s Leadership Giving Circle helps change the game for children and families in our community through generous gifts of $500 or more to United Way. For as little as $9.62 a week, Leadership Giving Circle donors support programs and strategies aimed to help children enter school ready for success and stay on track to graduate and support families on their path to self-sufficiency.
Leadership Giving Circle donors receive recognition listing in United Way of Larimer County’s annual report as well as invitations to special events each year.

To learn more about the Leadership Giving Circle, please contact Doug at or (970) 407-7027.
Loyal Contributors
Loyal Contributors are individuals who have given to any United Way organization for 10 years or more. These 10 years do not have to be consecutive but show a long-lasting dedication to improving one’s community.
Loyal Contributors are recognized in many workplace campaigns and through an event each year. If you haven’t done so, please notify United Way of Larimer County to the contact below that you are among its Loyal Contributors so that you may be included among this group of committed supporters.

If you are a Loyal Contributor, please accept our sincere thanks for all you have done to improve the lives of children and families in Larimer County and support the mission of United Ways throughout the country. Thank you for all that you do to LIVE UNITED.
To learn more about the Loyal Contributor program, contact Christina at or (970) 407-7027.
Alexis de Tocqueville Society
The prestigious Alexis de Tocqueville Society is a philanthropic society honoring individuals who annually give $10,000 or more to United Way or who are participating in the emerging leaders program.
Society members have devoted time, talent, and funds to create long-lasting changes by tackling our community’s most serious issues.
The United Way Alexis De Tocqueville Society was founded in 1984 to deepen individual understanding of, commitment to and support for United Way’s work in advancing the common good by creating opportunities for a better life for all.
There are several ways to become a member of the Alexis de Tocqueville Society, including gifts of cash, stocks, and securities, or by payroll deduction.

The Society offers a wide variety of contribution options based on our designation policy.
For more information, or to become an Alexis de Tocqueville Society member, please contact Christina at or (970) 407-7013.
Generation United
Generation United, Young Professionals Network provides the next generation of philanthropists, volunteers, and community advocates with opportunities to make meaningful, measurable change in Larimer County. Generation United welcomes all young professionals to get involved through giving a recurring monthly donation at a level that is meaningful to them and participating in Generation United activities and volunteer projects.

Please contact us at to get involved.
Legacy Society

To learn more about the Legacy Society, please contact Doug at or (970) 407-7027.
WomenGive was started in Larimer County in 2006 by a group of passionate and caring women who wanted to create an opportunity for women in our community to come together to help other women. Today, WomenGive is comprised of a dynamic network of more than 500 members who use their financial resources to help women in Larimer County achieve economic self-sufficiency.
WomenGive provides support and financial assistance in the form of childcare scholarships.

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525 West Oak St, Ste 101
Fort Collins, CO 80521