The November 7th election is right around the corner, which makes it the perfect time to share more about United Way of Larimer County’s commitment to public policy and a reminder about why your vote matters.  

United Way’s Commitment to Public Policy and Endorsements   

Over the last few years, United Way of Larimer County has leaned into our commitment to public policy. Our Board of Directors has been endorsing policies that impact our priorities of youth, education, and financial stability. Simultaneously, our board has been amplifying our mission of leading philanthropy to address today’s greatest needs and reduce those of tomorrow. It’s not an either or in our books, and it’s truly making a difference at both the policy level and personal level. 

Five Reasons Why Your Vote Matters

While UWLC’s efforts are important to keep on your radar, you play an important role in elections and should exercise your right to vote. Here are five reasons why (and there are so many more!):

  1. Local Leaders Can Impact Your Daily Life: Locally-elected officials like city council members, mayors, and school board members set the tone for how your day-to-day life may be impacted as they determine policies, budgets, and more. Curious about the roles these elected officials play? Check out these pieces from Rock the Vote, USA Today, and the League of Women Voters.
  2. Every Vote Matters: Ballot initiatives and elected positions can be determined by just a few percentage points. In fact, this article highlights elections at the federal, state, and local level that came down to just a few votes. That means your vote can mean the difference.
  3. Less is More: Voter turnout is typically much lower in off-year elections, which occur during odd years like 2023. No major federal elections occur in these odd years. According to this article from Denver7, in 2019, only about 37% of eligible voters in Colorado participated in the elections, compared to 87% in 2020. What that means is that your vote carries more weight when less people vote.
  4. No Stress Voting: With mail-in ballots that you can mail in or drop off at a local voting box, you can take your time voting without the hassle of needing to make time to physically vote somewhere. Here’s a list of drop-off locations in Larimer County.
  5. It’s Your Right: One of the benefits of living in a democracy is that all eligible citizens 18 and older are able to vote in federal, state, and local elections. It’s your chance to have your voice heard.

2023 Larimer County Voter Resources    

Now that you know why UWLC prioritizes public policy involvement and why you should vote, here are few local resources to help you make informed decisions as you cast your ballot:  

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