The deadline to file your taxes is Monday, April 18, 2022
United Way partners with a variety of nonprofit agencies across Larimer County to help strengthen our community, including partnerships with VITA, the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program, and MyFreeTaxes.com, a partnership with H&R Block.
MyFreeTaxes.com is a partnership between United Way and H&R Block.
If you make $66,000 or less and have a simple return, you can file federal and up to three state returns for free online with MyFreeTaxes!
Simple tax situations covered for free in MyFreeTaxes include:
- W-2 income;
- limited interest and dividend income reported on a 1099-INT or 1099-DIV;
- student education expenses, credits, or student loan interest;
- unemployment income;
- claiming the standard deduction;
- child tax credits;
- child and dependent care expenses.
Enjoy helpful tools such as calculators, error checkers, a new, free Self-Preparation Software including additional support and online chats, plus a free helpline operating daily from 10 am-10 pm ET with IRS-trained staff who speak both English and Spanish.
If you are self-employed and wish to use MyFreeTaxes to file your taxes, you will be charged $24.99 for a federal return and $18.50 for each state return (a 50% discount on H&R Block’s usual fees!).
Loveland VITA / TCE
Click here to learn more about VITA, including documents needed, appointments, and more.
Please note in-person filing is by appointment only and masks are required. Please visit the Loveland VITA website for the most accurate updates.
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax help to people who generally make $56,000 or less, persons with disabilities, and limited English-speaking taxpayers who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns. IRS-certified volunteers provide free basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing to qualified individuals.
The Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) program offers free tax help for all taxpayers, particularly those who are 60 years of age and older, specializing in questions about pensions and retirement-related issues unique to seniors. The IRS-certified volunteers who provide tax counseling are often retired individuals associated with non-profit organizations that receive grants from the IRS.
Eligibility requirements for free tax preparation assistance: age 59 or under, gross income up to $69,000; or if you are 60 years or older with a routine tax return.
Loveland VITA is a recipient of United Way of Larimer County Community Impact grant funding. In 2020, Loveland VITA helped over 4,000 Larimer County residents with their taxes and saved residents over $8 million through tax credits, refunds, and free tax preparation!
Make Chance NoCo
Similarly, Make Change NoCo is the Fort Collins & Windsor branch of VITA/TCE services, providing free tax preparation in Larimer County.
To learn more about Make Change NoCo, including a full schedule, what documents to bring, COVID-19 adjustments, and more, please visit https://makechangenoco.org/
Tax Credits
Get Ahead Colorado
Get Ahead Colorado provides resources to families who qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit and other resources that help them get ahead.
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is not just an everyday tax credit. It is the most effective tool for lifting families out of poverty. This federal tax credit—worth up to $6,600—not only encourages work but also improves the lives of children and families.
Get Ahead Colorado assists with Child Tax Credit, Child, and Dependent Tax Credit, and Earned Income Tax Credit and can provide free, in-person tax help to households making $56,000 or less and who worked for at least part of 2020. Additionally, qualified Coloradoans who haven’t filed in the past may also be eligible to claim this cash-back refund from years past – as far back as tax year 2017. Visit getaheadcolorado.org to learn more!
Child Care Contribution Credit (CCCTC)
The CCCTC was established in 1999 to encourage private support of Colorado child care programs, like those funded by United Way. Monetary contributions to United Way’s Larimer County Childcare Fund qualify for this credit. In addition to the applicable Federal and State income tax deductions, the credit provides a 50% state tax credit. The example below indicates the tax savings you could experience while benefiting local children and families.
Click here to learn more about the CCCTC.

ReFUND Colorado
As you complete your taxes, you can help strengthen our community with your tax refund! Add our registration #(20023003467) and opt to donate all or a portion of your refund. Click here to learn more.