Dear Friends,

I’m thrilled to share my latest reflections and learning as I continue my journey serving as the Vice President of Communications and Events at United Way of Larimer County. Your support has been instrumental in creating meaningful change in our community, and I am eager to tell you how we’re leveraging resources for maximum impact.

A Comprehensive Approach to Create Lasting Change: Fulfilling Our Mission

UWLC’s mission is to lead philanthropy in our community, ensuring the gifts of time, talent, and treasure address today’s greatest needs and reduce tomorrow’s. When I began this role seven months ago, I was eager to understand how this mission translates into tangible outcomes. I have learned that while our immediate relief efforts—like child care scholarships and tutoring programs—are crucial for addressing pressing needs, they alone are not enough to create the long-lasting change to which we aspire.

Combining Immediate Relief with Strategic Advocacy

By combining immediate relief efforts with long-term strategic advocacy, we address underlying causes and invest in solutions that offer the greatest return on investment. We constantly ask ourselves:

  • Does this effort help decrease future needs, in addition to addressing today’s demands?
  • Are we making the most effective investment to ensure the greatest return for our donors and community?

These questions guide us to be data-driven and innovative, ensuring our efforts are both impactful and efficient. To complement our grantmaking and programs, UWLC has adopted a three-prong approach to strategic advocacy.

  1. Coalition Building for Joint Advocacy Across Sectors

Effective solutions to community challenges require collaboration across various sectors. We work to bring together public, private, and nonprofit partners to tackle complex issues. We are proud to be involved in initiatives like NoCo Works to co-create policy solutions for workforce development, One Voice for Housing to ensure everyone in our community has a place to call home, and The Larimer County Sandbox for collaborative, long-term child care solutions. By joining forces with other organizations, we enhance our collective impact and drive systemic change.

  1. Policy Advocacy for Systems-Level Solutions

While immediate services address urgent needs, true transformation comes from systemic change. When we talk about “systemic challenges,” we mean the larger structures and policies—like affordable housing regulations, wage levels, or access to child care—that affect everyone in a community.

We advocate for policies that address the root causes of issues such as child care and housing. For instance, despite our record-breaking $2.5 million investment in child care last year, the community’s shortfall in making care affordable for working families exceeds $20 million. To bridge this gap, we must push for broader policy reforms and increased funding. For instance, we supported Estes Park’s 6E Lodging Tax, which will generate ongoing revenue for child care and housing.

Additionally, in housing, our support for Proposition 123, passed by voters in 2022, and our ongoing local advocacy with One Voice for Housing have helped unlock millions in new affordable housing funding, demonstrating that policy-driven efforts yield substantial returns.

  1. Policy Advocacy to Expand Nonprofit Sector Capacity

A robust nonprofit sector is vital for sustainable impact. Our advocacy for Colorado’s House Bill 23-1091, which renewed the Child Care Contribution Tax Credit, is a case in point. This legislation has boosted our fundraising capabilities, allowing us to raise $1.5 million for the Loveland Youth Campus and quadruple the number of affordable child care spots in Loveland. By supporting policies that enhance nonprofit sector capacity, we ensure that organizations can continue to deliver essential services effectively and that donors benefit from tax savings.

How You Can Make a Difference

Your support enables us to blend immediate assistance with strategic advocacy, fostering a stronger, more equitable community. Together, we are not just addressing today’s needs but also laying the foundation for a better tomorrow.

Stay Tuned for October!

In October, we will highlight the power of our policy and partnership efforts. Watch for stories, updates, and opportunities to engage in meaningful partnerships and drive change alongside us!

Thank you for your continued dedication and support. Together, we are unlocking the true potential of philanthropy and making a lasting impact in our community.

In partnership,

Kelsey DiAstra

Vice President of Communications and Events

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